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Giggles and Pebbles

Giggles and Pebbles®

Giggles and Pebbles is an in-house brand creating unique products that 'truly work'. All of our products have undergone stringent product testing and development, resulting in a final product that evokes fun, usability and love. We want parents to use our products and shout "Hey! This works!"




Learning Through Play

Play helps children grow strong and healthy.  We want our kids to love life, to experiment and develop new skills through the products and activities we create.  Play provides rich learning opportunities and is essential towards developing happy, healthy kids and adults. Come play with our crazy, happy team here! 

Safe, Non-Toxic Products

We want you to have peace of mind when you buy our products. Our products are made from materials that are non-toxic and completely safe to use. That is our guarantee to you!

Products Created by You!

We gather and listen to feedback from all customers to further improve and develop our products. YOU build our products!